The autumn of 2015 was a timeline rich with events that saw made one of the greatest, back door political deals in history. It started with the Freedom Caucus ousting Speaker Boehner. This was widely known and reported on so no “shocking but true” revelations here. Right after Boehner resigned, Kevin McCarthy was rumored to be the top spot for Speaker. However, what happened next was too outrageous to be a gaff: McCarthy went on Fox and said to Saun Hannity something to the affect that the Bengazi hearing largely accomplished its goal of throwing a wrench into the gears of the Clinton campaign!!! Now McCarthy is no fool. He didn’t get to the number 2 spot in the House majority by being politically inexpedient. He knew exactly what he was doing when he said that. He was sacrificing his chance at speakership (which is reported to be a job that no one wants at present) in order to slander the reputation of the hearings which were being headed by the chairman of the Bengazi commission, Trey Gowdy- a known member of the Freedom Caucus that ousted McCarthy’s boss, John Boehner.
Was this slandering by McCarthy just revenge on Gowdy for making his life so difficult while he worked for Boehner as whip? Whatever McCarthy’s reason for trashing the Bengazi hearings weeks before Hillary Clinton gave her testimony, the revenge exacted upon McCarthy for his slandering was even more brutal. Days after McCarthy steamrolled Gowdy’s investigation, there was a Wikipedia entry for McCarty’s Wikipedia page that stated McCarthy was having trouble getting the speakership nomination due to an affair with a female member of Congress. Previous to this Wikipedia entry, there was no concern about McCarthy or his alleged affair, but the Wikipedia entry de facto made it an issue and focused attention to the matter. We know this Wikipedia entry was a plant because the IP address that made the edit to McCarthy’s page was assigned to a computer terminal located in an NSA building! That’s correct, government employees in charge of collecting everyone’s data to make us safe were on Wikipedia making edits to top Representatives pages to exact political vengeance. Shortly after this, McCarthy withdrew from nomination for Speaker.
The next event in sequence that proves a deal was made is Vice President Joe Biden officially announcing he would not join the campaign for president, even after he was pulling ahead of 3 other candidates for the D’s in some polls. Evidence for a grand deal being made lies int the fact that Biden’s “not running” speech was actually a “I’m running and this is what my campaign will be centered around” speech with the word “not” tossed in before running. We could see it in Biden’s face during his interview with Steven Colbert on The Late Show that Biden wanted to run but the party was telling him not to because they didn’t want to mess up winning the White House for Clinton. The timing of Biden’s message was peculiar in that it was just one day before Clinton’s testimony. If there was no deal made and Biden was truly allowed to make up his own mind about running, logic dictates he would have waited until after her hearing to see how it went; if she bombed in front of the committee than Biden would have to run for president to save the party’s chances at retaining the White House. But Biden knew Clinton would breeze through the testimony because he knew she would be given softball questions because Biden knew there was a deal made. The components of the deal were this:
-Boehner steps down to satisfy the hard right.
-the left gets another Speaker that will work with them, Paul Ryan.
-the R’s get to run against Clinton in 2016 which is what they want because they know she is polarizing and the GOP base will come out to vote against her, whereas they may not if it was Biden the R’s were up against.
-Clinton gets softball questions at her testimony.
-the government avoids a shutdown and gets funded without a planed parenthood funding fight.
The Greatest Political Deal Making No One Will Ever Know…
November 12, 2015