Palpara Merchants

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A Red and a Black Horse

In July ,1862, Saint Don Bosco of Italy recorded a dream he had: a vision of the red horse of the apocalypse. From this dream, he believed God was warning him about the first wave of evil to fall upon the earth during the last age of man.

Five years later, Karl Marx would publish Das Kapital and the Communist Manfesto, which Marc and Fredrick Engels co-authored more than 20 years previous, was gaining popularity with the socialist movement.

The red horse in Don Bosco’a dream was the ideas of Communism that led to Bolshevism and Natzism.

The war that is the red horse would soon be unleashed on humanity with the total war of destruction in 1914.

In the summer of 1917, the town of Fatima, Portugal witnessed a Marian apparition- where Mary revealed that unless Russia was concecrated to her, it would spread its errors throughout the world. This was the year of the Bolshievik revolution, Russia was never consecrated and the intensity of WW1 increased.

The destruction lasted through WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam War, the first wars in the Middle East and the wars on terrorism and ISIS. The 100 years of war now culminates into the infanticide of the present, where roughly 20% of all human beings conceived are killed before they are born. Society is telling us they are not humans. The first step in a genocide is always to dehumanize the victims.

After being immersed in war for a century, there is no place on earth left for warfare, and there are no enemies left to make war with, so we make war in our own bodies with our own children. The age of war is coming to a close as there are no more fields of battle.

Next we should look to the black horse to bring the great hyperinflations to our economic systems: A days wages for a loaf of bread.

We have set up our economies just as Germany after WW1, before the great hyperinflation that brought about Nazism. However, this time all the large world economies are setting up their economies in the exact same way. This time the hyperinflations will be global events.

As this decade unfolds, it should become clear to most that we are ushering in the black horse of the apocalypse. But we won’t call it that, just as today we don’t refer to the past 100 years of war by its true identity: the red horse. The code for the black horse will be “economic crisis.”

The difficulty of understanding our situation is compounded by the fact that the outcome is deterministic- we can change course to prevent this from happening to us. If we choose to as a unified society, we could postpone this prophesy from being fulfilled…

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