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Substantive Finance

Bottlenecks, The Fed, and Objective Morality

Abstract: problem in markets has a root cause: an objective view of morality is necessary for a functioning economy, and policy makers for economy lack this morality. Even lacking an agreed upon standard for morality (even though one such standard exists) among secular thought, supportive evidence of a lack of morality is found in the fact that Fed members are trading based on their insider knowledge and that such actions are not illegal but are generally agreed upon by reasonable people to be immoral.

Conclusion: to fix the problem in markets and the economy, policy makers ought to discover and submit to an objective view of morality if they are to continue making decisions that affect society. However, it is understandable if men cannot accept all the tenants of an objective morality. For if such a feat were easily conquered, there would be no need for grace.

Post script: as long as economic policy makers keep thinking of humanity as “homo economus,” that is, maximum utility seekers, or pleasure maximizers, we’re going to have problems until the shelves are all empty…

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